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Home » Movies » Chris Pine Teases How Steve Trevor Will Be Different In Wonder Woman 1984
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2019s ago
Posted By Thomas Goodday | Under Movies

Wonder Woman 1984 has been pushed back to June 2020, despite already having gone into production. Due to it being a while before we get the DC sequel, we really have not heard a lot about the upcoming movie beyond the basic facts.

Recently, Wonder Woman 1984 actor Chris Pine teased a bit more about what is to come for Steve Trevor, noting, We have known for a while that production on Wonder Woman 1984 happened mostly in London (with stops in D.C. and Spain), and speaking to Variety , both Patty Jenkins and Chris Pine seemed keen to talk about filming and not what is actually going on with the Wonder Woman 1984 plot. However, Pine did touch on the fact that his character will be a little bit different this time around--likely all we are going to get until a trailer drops for the highly anticipated flick.

Sure, he is still being cagey, but I will take what I can get.

Obviously, the big question everyone has is: How does Steve Trevor return from the dead? Patty Jenkins shared a photo months ago that featured the caption "Welcome to Wonder Woman 1984, Steve Trevor! #ww84" seemingly indicating the character we see in the sequel will be very much the character we met in the original Wonder Woman movie.

In addition, we know Steve Trevor is not going to be a part of the movie in flashback memories, because in the image Patty Jenkins shared, Steve Trevor is in a mall and wearing clothing from the 1980s. See it, below.

Welcome to WONDER WOMAN 1984, Steve Trevor! #WW84 — Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks)

There are plenty of ways for movies and TV shows to bring back dead characters and DC lore adds even potential ideas. There are options beyond actually resurrecting Steve Trevor, including dream sequences or hallucinations. There are comic book-y options like the fact Steve Trevor could really be another character in disguise or time travel could be involved.

There are also options specific to Wonder Woman, like her saving Steve Trevor from Hades as an example. We will have to wait to see how Steve Trevor factors into the plot.

Suffice to say, if you can bring Superman back from the dead , it should be nothing to bring back Steve Trevor. Although I feel it is relevant to note the fan-favorite character death , to me, is part of what made Wonder Woman so special in the first place.

We will have to wait and see if the DC movie is able to bring Steve Trevor back in a way that feels naturally, but also earned. Given Chris Pine has said he knew Steve Trevor would be back while filming his ultimate death scene in Wonder Woman , I am hoping the plan Patty Jenkins and co. came up with is a sound one.

We will find out in 2020. Be sure to see what DC and Warner Bros. have cooking before then with our full guide.

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